Ncr Pos System I Need A Parallel Adapter With A 28-pin Connector. Anyone Know Where To Find It?

I need a Parallel adapter with a 28-pin connector. Anyone know where to find it? - ncr pos system

I can not get the support of the NCR. I have a 7454 NCR POS system, a CD-ROM drive required to install a parallel operating system, according to the instructions. I have a CD-ROM drive in parallel, but the reader is the parallel interface DB25-point connection. The POS system has a 28-pin connector and is much smaller than the physical size of the PIN-25 ports in most other teams. I find no cables or adapters to allow me to connect the two devices. Any help would be appreciated.


elfkar20... said...

You can do a Google search and you can include links to shops, or try to have Circuit City, Best Buy May, these things, or you can use a USB cable Parrell, well, that even there at a time when Wal-Mart had.

naruto fan said...

Office Depot, Staples trying to Best Buy usually have electronic equipment or the Wal-Mart

simpson fan said...

Office Depot, Staples trying to Best Buy are not usually something electronic

simpson fan said...

Office Depot, Staples trying to Best Buy are not usually something electronic

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