Initiation Party Games Where Did This Rumor About It Being Bloods Initiation Week Start?

Where did this rumor about it being bloods initiation week start? - initiation party games

I live in BK, and a false rumor, which apparently was that the circulating blood to kill about 40 PPL today and tomorrow, when he started this rumor? I am going to a Halloween party in bedstuy area (gross go tomorrow), but now everyone complains that it is not safe enough. Is it true that rumor anyway? Is not the blood of New York, to be a joke? Who is the real bonds Reppin NY? Crips?


Ms-trust... said...

- I've heard is true, and that some women stabbed

I've heard this warning was not heard only in New York, but also NJ

Some also say: ...

sebi said...

the well at school said Bout Crips fiqhtin my bloodz. i new it was bull. Say Buh-31-combatants killed as sht iron PPL is "new" bloodz. their first day. Dis is a rumor, every second year dats nuttin really happened was connected Dis. Tell rumor is not every country has Qom NY Juss. Reports in Washington, Baltimore, virqina, North Carolina, etc.
Actually, I'm a lil afraid because I live in colleqe Point, Queens. i no, not as ยช rouqh BK danqerous as derz buh neiqhborhood bloodz my anger.

fffdjsdf... said...

no. no joke. and if you listen, I would not be you lol

I was with about 35 of my friends to the threat of blood was left in my area. went over to my house and went to investigate. I saw saw with my own eyes, which were 3 girls stabbed and killed.

had a lot of ambulances in the streets on Halloween night ... You guessed why ...

Oh, and Halloween is on UR. Blood is black to 90%, so if you are a black man in a red suit, and then click Run.

mom/oma said...

If this is true, then it is likely that these are well known to the police and begin exploration of the bad neighborhood. Please note be aware of their surroundings and to pray for safety. I will pray for you. God bless you. :)

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